Hayden Lloyd
British screenwriter living in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I write feature films that explore how we navigate the experience of being alive.Where do we find meaning?
What really matters?
What does it all come down to?
Producers, directors, fellow writers...
Whoever you are, let's grab a beer and talk.
haydenplloyd @ gmail.com
+45 31 38 35 42

For most of the year, Greenland is home to over one hundred scientists, researchers, and engineers.In winter this number drops to two.

Cries of Animals
A priest in rural England finds his beliefs challenged by the mundane, the profane, and the sublime.
Let's talk.
I live in Copenhagen, Denmark with my wife and whippet.A quick google search will tell you that my full name is more common than you may have expected, but I am definitely not a wedding photographer, a singer-songwriter or a property manager. Not yet, anyway.
haydenplloyd @ gmail.com
+45 31 38 35 42